Parents Corner

Parent Team Fellowship
The Parent Team Fellowship (PTF) is a vital part of the New Covenant Academy Community. Led by a powerhouse team of NCA parents, this group has two main functions: 1) to foster genuine support and friendships within the NCA community and 2) to build stronger communication between the family/school relationship.
Family & Student Dashboard
The Dashboard is our family and student site with helpful links to Google Apps, Grades, School Calendars and more.
Events that Touch Lives and Bring People Together
This active group traditionally organizes several events during the school year. Some examples are The Back-to-School Picnic, Winter Fest and Grandparent's Day. PTF also organizes smaller events to foster friendships with other families and just for fun, like Friday night Movie Night Under the Stars, or a night at the Cardinals' baseball game.
Connecting our Community-Parent Liaisons
A few years ago, the Administration and parents identified a need to develop a stronger way to communicate between school and home. Out of this need, a program emerged called, "The Parent Liaison Program". Each parent liaison is responsible for being aware of the important items happening in their assigned grade level and to keep other parents in that grade level informed either via email or other chosen method of communication. While the school makes every effort to keep parents informed, it has worked quite well to have another layer for communication between family and school.
Parent Involvement Program (PIP)
The purpose of the Parent Involvement Program (PIP) is to encourage active involvement in each student’s education at all levels. Active parental involvement increases a student’s success at school, encourages communication between NCA teachers and parents, and provides fellowship with other NCA families.
Each two-parent family is responsible for 32 hours per year for the Parent Involvement Program. Single-parent families are responsible for 16 hours per year.