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Pre-Kindergarten to 4th Grade


The Elementary School student at New Covenant Academy learns in an environment that provides a rich blend of strong academics combined with opportunities for individual and social growth, all from a Christian perspective. Emphasis on a basic foundation in fundamental skills incorporates a variety of experiences to enrich each day. In the Elementary School, a student develops a love of learning and explores individual capabilities. Teachers are equipped with the skills to teach, the compassion to nurture, and the creativity to make the academic challenge a road to discovery. Students gain knowledge and an understanding of how all things fit together in God´s plan as revealed in His Word through Biblical integration in every subject taught.

Age requirement for Pre-Kindergarten:  Must be 4 years old by August 1st.

Age requirement for Kindergarten:  Must be 5 years old by August 1st.


Program Hours

  • Pre-Kindergarten through 4th-grade full day, 5 days a week:  8:15 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
  • Pre-Kindergarten students participate in Library, Art, Physical Education, and Lunch in the afternoon).


Extended Care Hours

  • Mornings at Grace Campus are 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
  • Mornings at Warrior Campus are 6:30 a.m. to 7:50 a.m.
  • The afternoon at Grace Campus is 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • The afternoon at Warrior Campus is 3:20 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • Extended care is offered on all regularly scheduled school days, including days for early dismissal for professional development. (Note:  afternoon care is not offered on half-days, which are the day before Christmas break and the last day of school.)


Program Highlights

  • Engaging and hands-on learning 
  • Synthetic Phonics, Early Literacy
  • Reading/Literature
  • Thematic Social Studies and Science
  • Math concepts
  • Bible lessons, mission, and Christian service projects as well as weekly chapel services
  • Vocal music class; with participation in Grandparent Day, Christmas, and Spring concert performances
  • Technology integration
  • Physical education
  • Art
  • Library
  • Recess
  • Field trips
  • Hot Lunch Program



  • Pre-Kindergarten:  Teacher created materials; Handwriting is Zaner-Bloser style handwriting; Thematic units for Science and Social Studies (i.e.: weather, space, transportation, fire safety, community helpers, etc.) and ACSI Bible
  • Kindergarten:  ABeka Phonics; Houghton-Mifflin Math; Kinder Science; Kinder Social Studies; Thematic units for Science and Social Studies that are cross-curricular; D'Nealian style writing and ACSI Bible
  • First Grade:  ABeka Phonics; Houghton-Mifflin Math; Bob Jones Heritage Studies; Purposeful Design Science; D'Nealian style writing and ACSI Bible.
  • Second Grade:  ABeka Phonics; Houghton-Mifflin Math; Cursive Writing; Bob Jones Heritage Studies; Purposeful Design Science and ACSI Bible
  • Third Grade:  McGraw Hill Wonders Reading Curriculum; Houghton-Mifflin Math; Missouri History; Purposeful Design Science and ACSI Bible
  • Fourth Grade:  McGraw Hill Wonders Reading Curriculum; Houghton-Mifflin Math; Pearson Building Our Country History; Purposeful Design Science and ACSI Bible

A Day in the Life of an Elementary Student at NCA