Code of Ethics
The New Covenant Academy Athletic Program provides a variety of meaningful experiences to enhance the development of healthy habits and attitudes that will prepare students for adult life. The athletic program is conducted in accordance with New Covenant Academy policies, rules and regulations. While the school takes pride in winning, it does not condone winning at all cost. The school encourages students and families to behave in a Godly manner supporting sportsmanship and Christian values during athletic events. The athletic program is conducted in such a way that it continues to be an extension of the classroom. Success, school unity and pride are greatly enhanced by student’s participation in school-sponsored activities.
Warrior Honor Code
As a student at New Covenant Academy, I will honor God with my actions and treat others as Christ treats me. I will give my best efforts emotionally, spiritually, academically and physically. I will not lie, cheat, steal or tolerate this behavior from others. I will submit to those placed in authority over me, respect the dignity of others and strive to live a life of integrity and service.