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Christian Service

Mission Trip Dominican Republic

Teaching students to be servants for the Kingdom of God begins at a very young age at New Covenant Academy. Every class from Jr. Kindergarten through 12th grade  is involved each year in a number of mission projects. Our goal is to help the children look outside their own world and get some hands-on experience serving others.

Over the years, elementary classes have taken part in a variety of projects. They have been bell ringers for the Salvation Army, visited and sang to the elderly at nursing homes, collected and delivered supplies to low-income schools, books to the Missouri Hotel, and baby needs to Isabelle’s House just to name a few. The students have filled shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child as well as collected money for a number of missions locally and internationally. The elementary students also partner with the Senior class each year to collect supplies and money for their Home Mission trip.  Intermediate students have participated in supporting the "Bag Ladies" ministry, which is an organization that puts together travel bags full of necessities for children that are displaced from their homes.  Additionally, they act as Christian ambassadors for NCA at the Springfield Christmas parade and have collectively donated to the food pantry, clothing banks and much more.  


Christian Service for the Secondary Division (Grades 7-12)


High school students are required to complete 10 hours or more of Christian service for each year of attendance at NCA by sharing the love of Christ through serving their school, church, community, and the world. Students attending four years of high school will complete 40 hours of Christian service. The following guidelines must be followed for these hours to be counted

  • Class sponsors will track all Christian service hours.
  • All Christian service must be pre-approved by the class sponsor or principal.
  • Students in grades 9-11 may not accumulate more than 12 hours in a year with excess hours carrying over to the next year.
  • Students may count pre-approved and verified church service for a maximum of two hours per year.
  • Students may count pre-approved and verified school service for a maximum of two hours per year.
  • Students may count pre-approved and verified school personal or individual service projects for a maximum of two hours per year.
  • At least four hours of Christian service per year must be completed through organized class projects.
  • Seniors may count all Christian service performed on the Senior Mission Trip toward completion of the hours required for their senior year.

While not required, jr. high school students are given the opportunity, through planned activities, to participate in Christian service.

Serving the Community